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Silver Soul Bird Female

There are 2 types of Silver SoulBirds™. They look similar, but one is tail up and the other is tail down. Both are separate urns but put together, they form perfect companion urns.

Polished surface glowing in the rich tone of bright non-tarnish Silver enhances the sculptural form with reflectivity.

They give a new meaning to togetherness.


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Adult, Keepsake, 2 Lines of Engraving

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There are 2 types of Silver SoulBirds™. They look similar, but one is tail up and the other is tail down. Both are separate urns but put together, they form perfect companion urns.

Polished surface glowing in the rich tone of bright non-tarnish Silver enhances the sculptural form with reflectivity.

They give a new meaning to togetherness.


Silver Soul Bird Female

Sold individually

Note: Black lines are shadows only – Bird is COMPLETELY SILVER

A:20.3cm K:5.1cm H

With GlossCoat Technology

Capacities: A: 3.6L K: 0.05L

Can be customised

There are 2 types of Silver SoulBirds™. They look similar, but one is tail up and the other is tail down. Both are separate urns, but put together, they form perfect companion urns. Polished surface glowing in rich tone of bright non-tarnish Silver enhances the sculptural form with reflectivity. They give a new meaning to togetherness.

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Adult, Keepsake, 2 Lines of Engraving

Additional information


Adult, Keepsake, 2 Lines of Engraving

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